We so happy we were able to have Whitney Johns join our Fitness Gurls Facetime Series. She’s absolutely beautiful and may have the most beautiful body in the world. She’s a Fitness Gurls Athlete and we just absolutely love her. This photoshoot again was taken on a phone by photographer Kate Jensen. Here’s our interview with Whitney Johns.
Also, check out: Karen Pang Facetime Photoshoot

You’ve been featured in Fitness Gurls Magazine before, but this one was a little different. What’s your favorite thing about your Facetime Photoshoot with Fitness Gurls?
This FaceTime shoot was such a unique experience! I love how easy and convenient it was having it in my home not having to leave, being able to do quick outfit changes with no public nudity/indecent exposure involved. LOL Sometimes with regular shoots you end up needing to change looks in very inopportune places. It can get tricky. lol.

Since being on lockdown has your wine drinking or your book reading gone up higher?
Wine drinking has definitely gone up. Lol. To be honest I have still been super busy with work during this lockdown. I luckily had transitioned most of my business to online about a year ago so my workload has been the same if not busier. It’s a great problem to have, however sometimes I wish that I could have a boring quarantine and be getting a lot of rest and TV watching in like everybody else LOL

What’s a book or a tv show you can absolutely recommend since we’re all quarantine away?
When I do have time to watch TV lately I’ve been re-watching The Sopranos from the beginning. It’s just such an epic show and is worth revisiting and definitely worth watching if you’ve never seen it. Currently, the book I am reading is called “The Body Keeps the Score.” It is a very interesting read on how trauma is stored in the body. I would definitely recommend it… if you’re into that sort of thing. lol.

What’s one thing you will down first when you’re allowed to go outside?
The one thing I do miss the most is being able to go to a really nice restaurant, wine & dine… eat, drink and be merry. I will definitely be booking a big dinner at a five-star restaurant with friends as soon as this is all over.