Pri Escobar is one of the most beautiful women in the fitness industry and she’s becoming one of the hottest names in the Australian fitness community. The IFBB Bikini Athlete is in phenomenal shape and she is a model we will be keeping our eye on for the foreseeable future. Check out Pri on Instagram.

It’s said that the most important rule for training and body transformation is ‘mind over matter.’ How did you craft the fortitude to get in incredible shape?
It’s said that the most important rule for training and body transformation is ‘mind over matter.’ How did you craft the fortitude to get in incredible shape?
I work towards my goal. I’m focusing on my goals. It takes a lot of discipline and dedication.
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Modeling is in a way about self-love and celebrating the physique you worked so hard to build throughout the years. What is your absolute favorite thing about getting in front of the lens?
I love everything about modeling. Modeling is not just a simple passion for me, I think, it’s hard work and I have the ability to model. Modeling means everything to me. Modeling is my passion.

How do your workouts differ when preparing for a competition vs when you’re maintaining your physique for say, photoshoots and to keep in shape in general?
My training has not changed much. The biggest change happens in the diet. It depends on my goal if I want to look thinner, with more volume. Calorie consumption may increase or decrease.
What tips could you give someone that wants to be a fitness model and competitor like you?
The road to knowing how to become an athlete is not an easy one, don’t give up! I would say that it is very important to choose the professionals who will help you on this journey.
It’s a hard journey, it requires a lot of discipline and patience. Do your job, don’t compare yourself with others, and believe in yourself.

Your regimen is all about taking care of your entire body as a whole, but do you have a favorite body part to train and are proud of?
My favorite part of my body is my back. I love training my back and shoulders.
Everyone builds a baseline when beginning in their field which they can then expand upon as they learn new things and problem-solve accordingly. What’s one thing you know now that you wish you knew when you began?
That and diet are just as important as training. When I started I didn’t really care about my diet.

It takes strength, determination, and commitment to be a competitor and fitness model. It’s been said that it’s more about discipline than it is about motivation to be consistent on a professional level. How did you develop your own discipline and routine and how would you recommend others do the same?
I get in my head what needs to be done and do it. Not every day we are motivated, when we lack motivation we go for discipline. No other choice is to do or do, no excuses.

Travel is a pretty common thing be it for competitions or for a creative and artistic photoshoot. Do you lean into the traveling aspect of it and look forward to it or are you more of an introvert and indifferent to travel? What’s a good memory you have from a trip, be it work or vacation?
I love to travel to compete or photograph. I love having new experiences and discovering new places. And the life of an athlete and model provides that. I enjoy it a lot.
When you’re up on that stage in front of the judges and so many people how do you feel? Were you ever nervous or did you take it all in your stride as part of the experience? For any new competitors that might be reading this, what would be your tip for shaking off stage fright?
I feel accomplished on stage. I try to stay calm and not show my nervousness. It’s time to shine and show all the work done, enjoy your moment.

As someone who models professionally, what’s one thing that’s quite challenging that people may not know and would be surprised about?
I’m a very shy person. Many people don’t know. I do my best and it doesn’t interfere with my work.
What’s next for Pri Escobar? What’s a current goal you’re working towards?
Many good things are to come. It is time to increase knowledge and put new projects into practice.