Penny Higgs is one of the most beautiful and talented women in this industry. She’s one of the top dance choreographers in Australia. Performing shows like “So You Think You Can Dance”. Penny Higgs straddles that line of lifestyle cool and fitness inspirational influencer. Oh, and did we mention she has one of the most beautiful physiques on the planet. Make sure you check out more of Penny Higgs at @dancinpenny
Also, check out: Karen Pang is One Beautiful Girl Next Door
Given your background in the world of dance would you say it was easy for you to get into fitness or was there times where you initially struggled with the process?
Not at all, having a dance background gives people a great foundation for fitness training. Dance has a huge focus on coordination, body awareness, and movement, so the two complement each other. However, I’ve always struggled with cardio, never been a fan of the old cardio.

With such a hectic schedule involving training your own fitness classes, your personal time in the gym and being an entrepreneur, what do you do to take the edge off and unwind?
This sounds cliché, but I find a physical activity, getting out, putting my headphones in and doing a walk really great to unwind. Sun, fresh air, great music, and a walk are some very underrated therapy. That and going to the beach, saltwater therapy is unbeatable.

You are a woman of sheer strength, discipline, and determination, what with having a history with dancing, fitness and not to mention even acting credentials. What helps you stay the course and not lose that motivation?
I have to stay focused and on track because I’m the only person who’s going to pick myself up if I fall. I’d be completely lying if I told you I never have days where I lack motivation and drive, that’s part of being human. What matters is that we keep going. I’m single and don’t have much of a support network around me, so if I don’t push myself, be my own critic, motivator, then I won’t get the things I want. Nothing is going to land in my lap, I was never one of those kids who had lived on a platter with a silver spoon, I’ve had to hustle and it’s made me who I am.
Sun, fresh air, great music, and a walk are some very underrated therapy
Penny Higgs

There is a huge discussion about how listening to music while working out can kind of be a crutch and on days you forget them at home, it can ruin your workout, thus preventing you from keeping up with your regime. Would you agree with that sentiment or do you think it’s, in fact, alright to do so?
I am that person that heavily relies on music for my workout motivation, so I’m not sure whether that makes me weak-minded, but hell yeah I’d wanna turn around, go back home and get my headphones. We all have our little routine, I like a coffee before I train and my music, that’s all I need. Very simple, but that’s my thing.

What would you say is the most fun thing for you, about a photoshoot?
I love doing shoots, I love creating, and let’s be honest, it’s definitely rewarding when we stay dedicated to living a healthy lifestyle, which isn’t always fun to see the results of hard work. Of course, I’d love to be eating cake and fries instead of spinach, eggs and chia seeds every day haha!

Using your experience gained along the way, what advice would you give to your younger self, if you could?
I think I would have told my younger self to not get sucked into “diet foods” we need wholefoods, and to not be afraid of fat. My diet is so different from how I used to eat, I have a high-fat diet good fats, always the good fat. I don’t know how I’d dance a 6-hour day on egg whites, tuna, and salad. Is it any wonder I drank so much coffee for my energy source. Love my fats, avocado and raw nuts is life!