Any bit of fitness helps our mood. Weights are fun, but there are a few sports that will cheer you up when you need it the most. We are talking break up and losing a job type of cheer. Before the athlete in you starts doubting these, give them a try and watch your inner sunshine come through.
1. Pole Dancing
Force yourself to go to a poll dancing class, specially when you don’t feel like it. The routines are full of challenges, which will focus you onto something other than your current problems. It also forces you to release sensuality you did not know you had. Worth the try. Promise.
2. Rock Climbing
Who is the boss? Who? You are!
Rock climbing is one of the most exhilarating experiences you should treat yourself with. It forces you to focus, to think, plan, stretch, climb, grab, sweat. One session and your problems will be history.
3. Good Old Kick Boxing
Overwhelmed by problems that seem to pile up? Kick them out of your mind, literally. Kick, kick, kick away, every worry, every feeling of sadness. Kick boxing is like fighting it out without the remorse. Trust us, you will not apologize to that big bag, you will thank it.
4. Hip Hop Dancing
We promise you this: you will have fun. Attempts to follow the choreography are up to you and your hip hop skill, but the fun is guaranteed. You will jump, move, shake, bounce and have the time of your life. The trick is to enjoy the music like nobody is watching you.
5. Trapeze
Even adrenaline junkies have a rush of fear when on a trapeze. A beginners class will be enough to rush troubles out of your veins. When the fear is gone and your body starts feeling safe, the experience is one of the most amazing you will ever have. It is basically flying (with a net underneath)