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Forever Young: Anti-Aging Why Not Me?

We’ve all heard the “fountain of youth” programs. There must be dozens of them: pills, creams, Botox injections, etc. As aging baby boomers we’re in search of quick, perfect and easy “fountains” for ourselves. Let’s face it, we each want to slow the ticking of our own aging clock.

At the tender young age of 30, I decided I wanted to stop growing older. Why would I want to get any older? Thirty seemed the perfect age to be — forever. As a New Age explorer, during the late 70’s I roamed the Redwood hills of Northern California seeking the truth. This is how my quest to have more control over how I age, which is called anti-aging, began. At this time I am pleased to report that indeed my quest for youth is paying off. Now at the “calendar” age of 55, except for a few silver hairs, I both look and feel not much over 35 years old.

As I began to research the subject, I found that the mind/body connection to anti-aging became clear. After all, Google has over 14 million hits on the subject. “Youthing” is the term I now use to explain anti-aging. Youthing is an idea whose time has come. What did I discover during my quest? I found that multiple disciplines — including but not limited to breathwork, firewalking, fasting, yoga, and hypnosis — all helped me to shape my future. Lessons in dancing, they were.

Most of us assume that anti-aging is just about “sticking around” for a little longer, but this is only a small part of the quest. Youthing is a state of being. It’s an awareness. Youthing is really about “stepping up to the plate” and taking your power into the very fabric of our reality — into every cell of our bodies. We can all have more control over how we age; the best part is that “youthing” doesn’t involve buying pills or creams, or joining a club. Youthing is a training system that teaches each of us to let go of old counterproductive and worn-out beliefs, programs, and assumptions. Essentially, we learn to automatically say “yes” to a long and healthy life, and without even thinking about it — without using our old habits, which leave us as they’re replaced by new ones.

When we expect to slow down the aging process, we can create — each at our own cellular level — conditions that justify this belief. As Deepak Chopra wrote in AGELESS BODY, TIMELESS MIND ( Harmony Books,1993): “Aging seems to be something that’s happening to you when in fact it is something your body has learned to do. It has learned to carry out the programming fed into it by you, the programmer”.

What is easy, fun and very effective is hypnosis. Hypnotherapy is simple, very effective, and can be fun depending on its purpose. Whether sessions are done in person or by telephone, they can set the stage for stretching beyond set limitations. Hypnosis is the art of placing the conscious self in a state of strong suggestibility. During this time the conscious self is very open to change; it can literally set aside any limiting beliefs that may have been interfering with one’s ability to change.

It’s a proven fact that our bodies are constantly creating new and healthy cells to replace old and damaged ones, and every new cell gets it’s “replacing” instructions from the DNA contained in the old cell. So, it stands to reason that if our DNA programs our new cells with the healthiest and most youthful information possible as a blueprint for development, the body’s cell memories will change for the better, by being “younger”. This process is called “Cell Transformation”. The question arises: can hypnosis really be used in order to literally tell our bodies cells to be younger? From my experience, I strongly believe that the answer is yes.

Let’s wrap this up. “Youthing” is the process of participating in the act of a successful anti-aging program. It involves one’s past, present, and future. Here’s why: the past is forever with us. We can’t do away with it; we can’t change it. But we can make it work for us because addressing and healing childhood traumas (with regard to induced and conditioned beliefs about aging) can be explored and corrected. Also, learning to forgive ourselves and others can do wonders for us and for our present “youthing” goals. Finally, seeing ourselves alive, fit, and healthy, now and in the future, is a vital part of everyone’s “youthing” process.

I’m currently working with energy medicine that is directed toward “youthing” techniques. It is very effective; I could write so much more about it. But remember this: your body is the most valuable possession you own. By consciously programming your mind and body to remain youthful, the old paradigm — of collective conditioning — is broken. As Richard Bach put it so concisely in his classic 1977 book, ILLUSIONS: “Argue for your limitations, and sure enough, they’re yours.” Don’t limit how you age. Find out how it is to feel good!



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