How and when did you get started in training and living a fit lifestyle?
I’ve been active my whole life but I started taking my training and nutrition way more seriously starting in 2013. I got into it initially by deciding to train for my first NPC bikini competition. After that first show I decided that fitness and nutrition became my absolute passion and my the choice to shift my career as a pharmaceutical rep to a personal trainer and nutritional therapist!
You are our current Fitness Gurls Physique of the Year, what are two tips you can share on how you keep looking fit all year round?
My most important tips for looking fit and being genuinely healthy all year round is to be consistent with training but the most important part is nutrition. I always recommend people cut out alcohol, sugar, gluten, and dairy. It’s way easier to stay fit and cellularly healthy with this plan! And your body will thank you! When I cut out those things myself, I noticed a massive difference in my overall health and found it a million times easier to stay lean and feeling great. Another tip I recommend is sleeping as much as you can!
What types of cardio have worked best for you and what’s a typical workout you do during the week?
I rarely do steady state cardio. The most I do is walking my dog every day and if I feel like doing the stair master that day then ill only do a few minutes. My favorite type is sprinting because it’s more time efficient and you naturally create more HGH. When you have more HGH in your system you gain muscle easier and look younger longer! I do sprints 2-3 times a week. If you look at pictures of Olympic sprinters versus cross country runners you’ll notice a massive difference in body types. All thanks to HGH! I typically work out only about 4-5 hours a week. I like to be as efficient with my time as possible so I do high intensity and also weight training. I choose not to over train to keep my body healthiest.
What supplements do you use… and what are some of your favorites you would recommend?
Oh gosh, I use tons of supplements! My husband jokes and calls me a pharmacy. I take handfuls every day of specific supplements but my favorites are creatine, probiotics, fish oil, vitamin D, digestive enzymes and NAC. I really focus on my gut health because I believe all disease begins in the gut! My goal is to not only look healthy but actually BE healthy and be a good representation of a healthy lifestyle.
When you look back what do you think has been the key to achieving your goals?
Setting goals and not giving up. Plain and simple! I would also have to say that keeping a positive mindset and showing that positivity outwardly.
What’s one of your favorite quotes?
My favorite quote is “You are confined only by the walls you build yourself”. This quote can be applied to any area of life and it personally inspires me to be my best self.
What’s next for you?
The next step for me is to focus on building my brand and educating others on the latest research on nutrition, health, fitness, and lifestyle. My goal is to inspire others to take control of their health. The lifestyle changes I personally have made have completely changed my life and I want to share that with as many people as I can!
For more Janna Breslin go to:
IG: @jannabreslin
Photos by: Jason Falasco / IG @jfalasco